Trip Report: Liseberg (ACE Europe Winterfest 2024)
·1418 words·7 mins
Ace Europe
Trip Report
Ending the theme park year at Liseberg, who wouldn’t want that? And so, last weekend, it was off to Sweden for a weekend of soaking in history.
Discovering: Vision Divine
·637 words·3 mins
Power Metal
Is it going to be a blast from the past, or another record that should stay lost in time. Let’s dive into another discovering. This time it’s Vision Divine!
Trip Report: Heide Park (ACE Europe Scarefest 2024)
·1313 words·7 mins
Ace Europe
Trip Report
Last weekend, Heide Park in Germany was on the agenda. With a behind-the-scenes look at spooky haunted houses and thrilling roller coasters like Colossos and Flug der Dämonen, it turned into a day full of excitement and fun.
Migrate? Migrate!
·216 words·2 mins
Pack your stuff and come along. It’s time to move some code!
Discovering: Green Carnation
·779 words·4 mins
Progressive Metal
Doom Metal
Late one night, I hit play on ‘Journey To The End Of The Night’ and was greeted by haunting guitars, doomy melodies, and a mix of angelic and harsh vocals. Each track pulled me deeper into its gothic atmosphere, leaving me wanting more. Let’s discover: Green Carnation!
Epica - The Symphonic Synergy
·787 words·4 mins
Trip Report
Weekend adventure in Amsterdam: after a scenic train ride, we rocked out at Epica’s epic concert with a symphonic twist. Despite some queue chaos, the night ended in a wall of death and a euphoric circle pit. Truly, an unforgettable night in the Dutch capital. Want all the rocky details? Click and read more!
Discovering: Butcher Babies
·440 words·3 mins
Thrash Metal
When I first saw the promotional material for Butcher Babies, I expected basic metal with angry screams—and they delivered just that. However, the raw intensity in their sound surprised me. But is it enough to stand out? Find out what really makes them tick.
Fresh Start
·126 words·1 min
So, the broom has been swept through here again. Nothing left except a blinking black cursor on a screen-filling white page. And what should come in its place…
ACE Europe Summerfest 2024
·105 words·1 min
Ace Europe
This summer was something else. Instead of going to a faraway paradise island, this year, the holiday trip was somewhat more… how shall I put it… it was a rollercoaster of experiences…